Sunday, June 21, 2009

Where does time go???

So, It has already been 2 months since my last update! Sorry! It is kind of the same way when I write in my journal. So to update you all. ....Dustin and I are having a baby boy!! Yeah! We are very excited. Also, we sold our house and are moving this week into my old house until we find one that we want to stay in for awhile. Are we crazy??? 6 months prego and moving. It is all good. At least I am not my sis jen who just moved from denver to oklahoma with 7 month old triplets!! Love you jen! Anyways....I will put some recent pics up soon!


Debbie said...

YAY!! I'm so excited to finally see what you are having. I have been checking every once in a while to see if you posted yet and let me just say that I am thrilled to hear you are having a boy. Boys are the best and it is so fun to have a boy first I think. Congrats! Hope the pregnancy is going well and you are feeling great! I'm due in 3 weeks (we're having a girl, fun huh?) so I don't know when we can get together but I would love to get together for lunch again sometime!!

The Day Family said...

Congrats on a baby boy!!! We also moved into our bigger house when I was 6 months pregnant with Ella. Better now than with a newborn! :)

AnaleeCuller said...

congrats jules! boys are the best! hope all is well and good luck with the move! love ya girl!

Ben and Jen McDowell said...

Seriously. I hear you actually look prego now that I am gone. Where is a pic??

hiking in the superstitions